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تحميل تعلم العربية - 11000 كلمة

تعلم أكثر من 11000 كلمة وجمل منظمة في أكثر من 320 موضوع.

تعلم العربية من 61 لغة أصلية. مجانا و بدون انترنت، مع FunEasyLearn.

تعلم القراءة

What is new in version 7.2.5

- Added the Daily Challenge: Earn extra flowers and xBees by guessing the word of the day in the language you are learning.
- Added the Alphabet game flow: Learn how to pronounce & write all the letters. Associate them with simple words.
- Added the Hands-free Learning Mode
- Added the Dark Theme
- Improved the "Favourites" feature

New contents, levels & features are added regularly.

Our bee fixes bugs instantly.

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @funeasylearn

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