MAKE: Arduino coding simulator
Arduino coding 3D simulation. Connect with Arduino and upload the code
Anytime, anywhere, easy and convenient
Mobile Arduino coding
◼︎ Arduino Coding Curriculum Learning from 3D Simulation
• Provides a step-by-step curriculum from video description, 3D circuit diagrams, to block coding simulations.
• Try more than 35 Arduino parts, including LED, LCD, Dot Matrices, servo motor, DC motor, and joysticks, in 3D simulations.
• Experience IoT coding education with 3D simulation without Arduino kit.
◼︎ More than 25 Arduino Example Projects
• Developers and Teachers collaborate to create coding education examples
• More than 25 block coding examples are available
• You can send the code directly to Arduino
◼︎ Provides free-coding project storage and sharing
• Code and save freely on both the app and a PC
• Share your saved code with people around the world
• Connect your cell phone to Arduino to send code by Arduino cable.
◼︎ Algorithmic training through coding games
• Includes games for learning the basics of block coding
• 'Penkaso' game to learn the basics of block coding
• ‘Algorithmic Travel’ game to learn coding algorithms
• ‘Hamburger’ game that produces a lot of results within limited time
◼︎ Coding Class in My Hand
• Enjoy coding training anywhere on your mobile phone or tablet without installing computers and programs.
• From elementary school students to college students, it covers students for every each level.
*If used as a computer, block editors are available on the website.
Web Block Editor: link Link is Here
◼︎ Make official website: link Link is Here
◼︎ Make Instagram: link Link is Here
◼︎ Make YouTube: link Link is Here
كيف يمكن تحميل MAKE: Arduino coding simulator
يمكنك تنزيل MAKE: Arduino coding simulator عبر هذي الروابط :
android تحميل APK الأصلية
adb تحميل APK مهكرة Mod
update الإصدارات السابقة
What is new in version 3.2.8
Beta version of Learning Arduino with C released.
Please contact support@ link Link is Here if you find any bugs.
Homepage shortcuts: link Link is Here
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