Coach Guitar: Learn to Play
Learn to play guitar with 5 COLORS and play songs very fast with a proven method
Coach Guitar is a INCREDIBLE new way to learn guitar with only 5 colors. You will learn to play popular songs on electric and acoustic guitars.
Coach Guitar becomes your personal guitar teacher. It’s the unique visual teaching concept with colors. No music theory, we show you step-by-step videos lessons with animated fretboard. You learn to play guitar songs immediately by mimicry. Created by experienced guitar teachers, our guitar lessons will help musicians of all levels improve in record time, whether you are a complete beginner, intermediate or experienced.
Fun and addictive step-by-step video tutorials guide you through each lesson. We show you small goals to stay motivated and to learn even faster. Learning the guitar with colors brings you to the basics right away. The muscles of your fingers will memorize all important informations : the position of the fingers thanks to the 5 colors (one finger by color), the direction of the picks, the strings to play. Go grab your guitar now and you can start playing! CoachGuitar will help everyone that wants to learn to play the guitar.
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