التوأم البابليBabylonian Twins
اول لعبة تجارية طورت بايادي عربية
التوأم البابلي (Babylonian Twins) هي اول لعبة تجارية طورت بايادي عربية في العراق تحت ضل الحصار الاقتصادي قبل حوالي عشرين عاما. طورت في الأصل على كمبيوتر الكومودوراميغا (Commodore Amiga) وقد قام فريق العمل بتحويرها مؤخرا الى الموبايل. و قد حصلت اللعبة على جوائز وتقدير عالمي وعلى اكثرمن مليوني تحميل ( link Link is Here
تدور احداث اللعبة في العراق القديم (Mesopotamia) حيث يقوم ناصر وبلاصر بمحاربة الساحر الكبير بحل الغاز مختلفة.
Authentic ancient Mesopotamian environments - Unique co-op gameplay with the twin princes - Huge levels with challenging puzzles - Great 16-bit Amiga retro feel
As featured on AOL News, Kotaku, GamePro, Eurogamer, link Link is Here , Arstechnica, The Independent & The Vancouver Sun
GOOGLE: Staff Picks
TOUCHARCADE: Platformer of the Year - 4.5/5
POCKETGAMER: Silver Award - 8/10
Solve difficult puzzles and find hidden treasures in one of the most challenging puzzle platformers. Babylonian Twins takes you to 576 BC in ancient Mesopotamia with beautifully reconstructed historic environments, authentic original Middle Eastern music and innovative two-character control.
- "Thank you for giving your players credit, this game is from an era when game designers did't care if you could beat their game" - US user
- "Thank you for giving your players credit, this game is from an era when game designers did't care if you could beat their game" - US user
- "Appreciate the effort that went into drawing an authentic Babylon city, down to the blue bricks of the Ishtar Gate"
"A challenging, explorative platformer that respects its players and refuses to hold you by the hand"
"Fantastic head-scratching puzzles"
"Charming and demanding in equal measure, reminds us what was so good about 16-bit gaming""
"A proud member of Mensa"
- link Link is Here
"Top marks level design, superb challenges that provide a true test of your platforming mettle"
"A gorgeous, charming platformer with one of the most interesting backstories"
Take control of the twin princes of Babylon in their quest to restore peace in the city. Enjoy days and weeks of exploration and mind-twisting puzzles in ancient Iraq
✔ Guide two characters to solve puzzles in unique co-operative tag-team control
✔Over a Dozen Huge Levels across Five Worlds including:
- Tower of Babel
- The Assyrian Place
- The Procession Street
- The Hanging Gardens of Babylon)
✔Super Crisp HD Graphics
✔An Album Worth of Original Authentic Iraqi Music
✔A Detailed Reconstruction of Ancient Mesopotamia derived from Authentic History texts
✔Super Smooth Scrolling at 60fps
✔Secret Treasures and Bonus Levels
Follow us on Twitter @cosmosapps & Facebook: link Link is Here for tips, support and special offers.
Produced by Cosmos Interactive Inc. with the financial participation of Telefilm Canada.
link Link is Here
كيف يمكن تحميل التوأم البابليBabylonian Twins
يمكنك تنزيل التوأم البابليBabylonian Twins عبر هذي الروابط :
android تحميل APK الأصلية
adb تحميل APK مهكرة Mod
update الإصدارات السابقة
What is new in version 1.8.7
- Better controller support
- Better color contrast
- Bug fixes
Android TV Support
Now supports NVIDIA SHIELD and most game controllers
Email us at contact at link Link is Here if you experience any problem
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