Stream: مُشغل player
مشغل فيديو وموسيقى عائم ومنبثق: استماع مجاني وغير منقطع للموسيقى!
هل تريد الاستماع إلى مقاطع فيديو youtube الموسيقية أثناء القيام بشيء آخر؟ Stream هو أفضل حل في السوق حتى الآن!
يمنحك Stream حق الوصول إلى جميع مقاطع فيديو YouTube (+100 مليون مقطع فيديو) دون أي إعلانات ويتيح لك تشغيلها بشكل سهل في نافذة منبثقة متحركة لتجربة استماع موسيقى متعددة المهام.
ابحث عن الفنانين المفضلين لديك, وقم بإنشاء قوائم التشغيل الخاصة بك, واكتشف أنواع الموسيقى الجديدة وتصفح أفضل القوائم اليومية في بلدك: بث غير محدود للموسيقى!
يمكنك بسهولة إضافة مقاطع الفيديو إلى قائمة انتظار الاستماع الحالية لكسب الوقت وجدولة تجربة الاستماع لديك.
لا داعي لتنزيل أغانيك بعد الآن, فلديك أخيرًا مشغل YouTube مجاني يتيح لك التحقق من ملف الأخبار أو الرد على رسائلك أثناء مشاهدة مقاطع الفيديو المفضلة لديك!
- Video player: watch your videos in full screen or use the floating popup for multitasking
- Customize the size of the floating popup to your needs
- Move the floating popup player wherever you want on the screen
- Search among millions of ads-free YouTube music videos for free: smart search with suggestions
- Browse the daily Top Charts songs: USA, Brazil, UK..
- Access 100 music genres: Electronic, Soul, Hip-Hop, Reggae, Rhythm & blues, Disco, Jazz and more
- Discover our special radios: whether you want to sleep, party, concentrate or do some workout, there is a radio for you
- Start a radio from any video for hours of free music, no need to download your tracks anymore.
- Access in a click dedicated tabs to your music with content you've recently watched and liked
- Enjoy simple one touch and drag&drop gestures to manage and listen to your music
- Create your own playlists
- Easily re-order your playlists with a simple drag and drop
- Share your playlists and the music you love with your friends
- Create your Stream account (through Facebook or Google+) to save and access your playlists from any device
- Import the playlists of your YouTube account on Stream
- Add songs and manage your current queue easily
Set up to 3 widgets to access directly from your home screen:
- the Top Charts songs list
- the recently watched and favorites videos
- Customize your Stream experience with Themes: dark or light (free), gold, blue neon, or emojis world (in-app purchases)
- Schedule your music stop with the Sleep Timer: 5 min before bedtime or 10 min break? Stream will automatically stop when needed.
- Battery Saver: automatically reduces the brightness.
Stream is a third party music streaming player app, not a downloader. It does not allow to listen to your own mp3. All the content is provided by YouTube services. Therefore, Stream does not have direct control over the content displayed.
"Please use the following link to report any content that may infrige copyrights: link Link is Here
Stream is not a mp3 link Link is Here
You can stream and listen to unlimited songs but will not be able to download them. An internet connection is required (wifi or cellular data).
According to YouTube's Terms of Use, we are not allowed to display videos when in lock screen, nor to let you download songs.
You will be asked to authorize two accesses within the app:
- one to allow Stream to modify the brightness of your device (for the Battery Saver)
- one to enable the floating popup player
Follow us on Facebook: link Link is Here
Join our Google Community: link Link is Here
If you are experiencing any issues or have comments and suggestions please contact us at support@ link Link is Here , we will do our best to help you!
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