2nd Line - US Phone Number
US phone number with FREE Unlimited texting & calling!
2ndLine is a second US or Canada phone number that works on your smartphone, tablets as a full-featured business phone system, designed for mobile professionals, freelancers, and entrepreneurs. Call and message from a separate number on devices you and your team already have, via Wi-Fi or your existing cellular network, with anyone in the U.S. and Canada.
Local Phone number
Give your friends your very own phone number they can call!
Unlimited Text & Picture Messaging
You can send as many text messages as you want to US & Canada - FREE!
Unlimited Calling to USA and Canada
Make unlimited free phone calls to any phone number in the US & Canada!
Cheap International Calling
Add money or earn free money by completing offers to your account and make low-cost international calls
- Make and receive voice calls
- Emojis, stickers and gifs
- Full picture messaging : send, receive and save pictures!
- Voicemail Transcription: transcript of your voicemail
- Caller ID
- PassCode: keep your messages under lock and key
- Google SmartLock: no need to remember your password
- Call Forwarding
- Signatures: add your own signature to each text
- Customizable text-tone, ringtone & vibration
- Customizable backgrounds
- Assign individual contacts their own ringtone & background
- Quick Reply to easily (and quickly) respond to friends
- Unified inbox: send and receive your texts directly via 2ndLine - use 2ndLine as your one-stop SMS texting app!
كيف يمكن تحميل 2nd Line - US Phone Number
يمكنك تنزيل 2nd Line - US Phone Number عبر هذي الروابط :
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What is new in version
New & Noticeable:
- No new features this week but keep checking this space for future announcements.
New and Not-so Noticeable:
- Optimization, minor bug fixes, and performance and stability improvements.
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