Guardian Angel - Porn Blocker
Quit Porn. Feel great. Be there for those you love.
Are you sick of how porn makes you feel after you watch it? Do you hate how it isolates you from God and from others, reduces your passion for life, and hurts your relationships with the most important people?
Guardian Angel is a simple to use internet filter that blocks pornographic websites to give you the help you need to stop looking at porn and feel great about yourself. It includes powerful locking so you won't turn it off in a moment of temptation.
•Block pornographic websites
•Blocks many known malware, spyware, and phishing sites
•Block any apps you choose. Does a certain social media app keep tripping you up? You can block it!
•Lock the filter to prevent disabling in a moment of temptation. You can use PIN protection, a timed delay, or even require permission from someone else remotely!
While Guardian Angel is a great first step in your fight against porn, many of us find that getting the porn out of our hearts requires bringing others into the fight through accountability. So first try out Guardian Angel, free on us. Then if you would like to step up the fight, check out our highly rated, paid accountability app Ever Accountable.
This app uses Accessibility Services and Device Administrator permissions while the blocking feature is in use. We need these permissions to ensure the filter is not bypassed or disabled. We don't use them for anything else. Period.Don't wait - try Guardian Angel now see how much better you feel!
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