Gibbets:Bow Master!بازی تیرکمان
Use your archery skills to rescue the stickman in this stupid bow & arrow games!
Always dreamed about a lifesaver career? Gibbets: Bowmaster - archery target shooting games will give you the opportunity!
Try your best in a bow shooting game! Cut the ropes with an arrow, avoiding shooting at the victims. You should hurry: their breath is about to end! This stupid bow games always keeps you on your toes. And don’t forget: your chivalry can make some coin!
Master your skills:
Shoot the ropes, but avoid hitting the stickman in our bow games.
Earn achievements.
Beat the scores and become the champion archer.
Experience different bow games modes:
You can start a never-ending bow and arrow games mode where you should save as many hangmens as you can before they run out of breath, or you can test your archery skills in a challenge mode!
Customize the bow shooting games offline:
Choose different shirts and hats from the store to make this bow and arrow games even more stupid and exciting! Get stars and buy upgrades for your bow and for hangmen!
Become the master shooter in Gibbets: Bowmaster - archery games, free the victims and be the best archer among your friends. There’s always a challenge for you: find out how long you can hold on!
What are you waiting for? Go for it, skillful archer! Let’s start the arrow master archery game!
Download Gibbets: Bowmaster NOW!
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update الإصدارات السابقة
What is new in version 2.5.2
Minor fixes and improvements
Good Luck, Bowmaster!
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