ساعد الأبطال السوبر في إنقاذ العالم من خلال تلبية طلباتهم!
Hey there! What a great day to blow town!
Build a dream Super Farm where nothing is what it seems to be and take part in exciting adventures for true Superheroes!
You think this is just an ordinary truck? Surely not. With its jet engine, it can deliver orders to any spot on the globe, any town or village, virtually instantly. What about this old shed? Take a closer look. This is a high-tech superhero data center! Even that toad behind the wheat patch has his secrets. Believe me, the Super Farm is a place where any piece of fruit can surprise you!
Just between us: Superheroes are ordinary imperfect people who have trouble warming up their breakfast or mending their socks. It is our farms that ensure peace and prosperity on the planet. What about the Heroes? What about them? They are just lazy celebrities. It is us Super Farmers who do the real work for them!
-Build a world-class Super Farm!
-Help Superheroes save the world by fulfilling their orders
-Ship farm produce by land, sea, and air
-Create a secret HQ for Superheroes
-Discover new continents and collect items from around the world
-Meet Superheroes and join a super team
This world needs its Super Farmer!
Install the game and join our ranks! Get started now!
Super Farm is a free game (some in-game elements may be purchased for real money)
كيف يمكن تحميل Superfarmers
يمكنك تنزيل Superfarmers عبر هذي الروابط :
android تحميل APK الأصلية
adb تحميل APK مهكرة Mod
update الإصدارات السابقة
What is new in version 1.21.1
- bug fixes;
- minor improvements.
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