Hily: Dating App. Meet People
A dating app where you meet people, chat, flirt, date, or start a relationship.
Welcome to Hily streaming, an exciting new feature that opens up a door to a range of new opportunities. It allows you to broadcast your talents to the wide world, attract an audience, find people with common interests and gain a following. Even if you are not looking to live stream anything definite, Hily’s feature gives you a unique tool to connect with more people through interactive means.
Whatever you might be looking for, the app features 3 different kinds of live stream options this selection of streaming options which will cater to your individual needs.
One-to-many streams:
One-to-many streams grant you an open platform to express your ideas, show your talent or simply share your thoughts with countless others. It is just as easy as it sounds: Go live and attract an audience interested in your original content. Whether it is singing, playing video games, or addressing social issues, you will surely find people excited for your streams.
Live talks/duets:
Are you into quick chats? Then the live talks/duets feature on Hily is for you. The streamer can turn on the live talks option and allow others to join the stream for 90 seconds. When a request is sent to a streamer, they receive a “like” from the user. If they sent a like back, then the match is successfully formed. Otherwise, both participants can press next and move to another user.
Versus battles:
Under the “Versus battles” framework, two streamers face each other in a real talent battle. It can be anything that complies with the app’s guidelines. Throughout the battle rounds, streamers try to receive as many gifts as possible. The one that collects more diamonds wins the round, while the one with the most rounds won is the winner of the battle.
The winner gets all the diamonds they received during the battle, along with 75% of the opponent’s diamonds. The streamer that lost keeps 25% of the diamonds collected during the battle. The draw means that both streamers get to keep the number of diamonds they collected.
What useful functions does streaming feature?
-Check the streamer’s name, profile picture, and number of views
-Turn the sound on or off
-Leave comments in the chatbox
-Use in-app reactions during the stream
-Send special gifts to the streamer
-Follow the streamer
Reactions: all you need to know
Coins and gifts are important ways of appreciating and supporting streamers. Gifts are a set of beautiful animated elements or icons. Coins need to be purchased within the app. Users are then allowed to buy gifts with coins. Gifts are used to interact with streamers.
Diamond are rating points in Hily’s streaming feature. They show the streamers’ contribution to the platform. They are awarded to users based on the work they do on Hily. Diamonds can be awarded when a streamer goes live. However, the number of diamonds received depends on the duration of the live stream, gifts, views, interactions, and more. Transferring diamonds to other users is not possible.
Opportunities for streamers:
Stream boost is an in-app feature that allows users to promote their live streams within the Hily app. Any streamer can use this option to attract a bigger audience to their content.
The app also includes a continuously updated leaderboard. Live streamers are listed on this board based on the number of diamonds they earned.
Users can send referral links to those who are not on Hily yet. Awards are available for every successfully invited new streamer.
Using a referral link:
Referring Hily to a new user is not difficult. Follow these easy steps and earn your reward:
1. Send a referral link to a potential user or share it on social media
2. Make sure that the person uses the referral link when signing up on Hily
3. The new user must stream at least 60 minutes for you to receive a reward
4. You will receive the diamonds 7 days after the first stream takes place
Take into account that diamonds can be collected only for newly registered users.
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