Hobi: TV Series Tracker, Trakt
تطبيق هوبي يساعدك على متابعة المسلسل والاحداث الجديده والموسم الجديد
Please note: You cannot watch TV shows with Hobi
Hobi is a simple, lightweight TV tracker with lots of goodies for all you series lovers.
Make the most out of your TV time with Hobi.
Hobi will notify you when a new season premieres or when a new episode airs.
Track your seen episodes with our special episode tracker.
Use Hobi whenever you need a TV guide.
* Discover the most trending TV shows
* Countdown to the next episode
* Know where you left with built-in TV tracker
* Explore premiere dates with TV guide
* Get notifications and reminders for new season premieres
* Backup your shows to Trakt or Google
* Full link Link is Here integration & Trakt sync
* Full control over notifications
* Series manager & series guide & TV tracker
* Customise your notifications
* View the channel and network your series is airing on
* Over 50,000 shows in our series guide
* Mark episodes you've seen to remember where you left
* View latest releases from various networks
* Keep track of what episodes to watch next
* Easy to follow the TV shows you're watching
* See upcoming episodes, seasons and shows
* TV time alerts for next episodes
* Use the TV tracker to remember where you are
* See what's trending now on TV, and follow the most trending shows
* View the next episode you should watch, and it's information
* link Link is Here sync
* With Hobi you feel like it's your ultimate TV time
* Never forget your favorite TV show
* Smart reminder for each series
* Notifications about new seasons and episodes
* Remind me feature included
* Become the best fan tv
* New episodes notifications will be sent to you each time
* New releases notifications will be sent to you each time new seasons are available
* Best TVshow app
* Explore trended and Top-rated TV shows
*Follow your favorite TVshow time after time
* Use Hobi if you need a great TV series manager
If your TV time is important to you - manage your series with ease and fun user experience.
TV Show Tracker is what you're looking for? Try Hobi - TV Show Tracker
Hobi makes it easy to track TV series you follow - simply tap a show you like and we'll do the rest.
★ Visit our Fan page: link Link is Here
** You can NOT watch shows with Hobi **
كيف يمكن تحميل Hobi: TV Series Tracker, Trakt
يمكنك تنزيل Hobi: TV Series Tracker, Trakt عبر هذي الروابط :
android تحميل APK الأصلية
adb تحميل APK مهكرة Mod
update الإصدارات السابقة
What is new in version 2.1.11
Fixed Trakt sync & tuned performance. Enjoy Hobi!
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