أبطِل مفعول القنبلة 3D
اقطع الأسلاك وعطّل الوحدات
The countdown is on – can you Defuse the Bomb in time and win the game?
In this nail-biting bomb simulator game, the fate of the world is in your hands. One wrong move and BOOM! The bomb will detonate.
More stressful than a nuclear bomb simulator. This game will test your agility, skill, and nerve by cutting the fuse attached to the bomb – before it detonates. As you make that first cut – will you succeed, or will there be an explosion?
With just a few seconds to choose, this isn’t the time to play games. So, which wire will it be – red, yellow, or blue? You decide! If you think you’re brave enough
Tick-tock, tick-tock. As the countdown begins, watch out for those buttons, wires, and that all-important timer. Don’t let that bomb explode no matter what!
Do you have the courage to make the cut in this 3D puzzle game of skill? Find out now and feel like bomberman.
Get ready to test your nerve in this ultimate game of games – Defuse the Bomb 3D!
It’s time to play!
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