Fire and Water: Online Co-op
لاعبان ألعاب
Do you like games include two player( Fire boy and Water girl ) adventure together.
This game is made for you. The game belongs to the adventure genre, teamwork, puzzle solving, collect enough gems and find the way through the forrest. Now it is multiplayer game that can play with your friends or relatives anywhere, any platform (Android or IOS).
In the game, you have to control two characters to stop melting. You have to control Fireboy Jim to avoid the blue water. And Watergirl Marry must avoid the red fire, as both must avoid the green toxic.
Clever control pusher, lever, platform to open the path for the couple.
Don't waste your time and get started your journey now. The challenges are waiting for you.
You can play alone in single mode or play online with other player around the world
- Physics-based platforming
- Exciting Physics Elements
- Play offline anywhere
- Play online co-op with other player around the world. You can chat to help other player pass level
- All levels are updating frequently
- Multi server across the world
This is a cross-platform game, you can play game with your friends or relatives on any platform (Android or IOS). Make sure you use same game version and same region (or game server) when you connect game in online mode.
كيف يمكن تحميل Fire and Water: Online Co-op
يمكنك تنزيل Fire and Water: Online Co-op عبر هذي الروابط :
android تحميل APK الأصلية
adb تحميل APK مهكرة Mod
update الإصدارات السابقة
What is new in version 3.7.0
- Improve performace
- Fix some bug in list room screen
- link Link is Here
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