Air Brush: محرر صور AI
The all-in-one editing app with the coolest effects to retouch your pics.
Who says we can’t have perfection in our photos? We believe all users should have the best editor and filter technology at their fingertips, and AirBrush continually updates with new features and effects to stay up to date with editing standards. AirBrush was designed to be the best photo editor with user-friendly retouch tools, cool filter options, and natural, beautiful results!
Blemish and Pimple Remover
** Say goodbye to pimples and blemishes! With our blemish remover, you can eliminate pimples and unwanted spots with the tap of a finger. Add a swipe of blush to add radiance and charm.
Whiten Teeth and Brighten Eyes
** Whitening your teeth takes your smile to the next level! Our teeth whitening function lets you brighten your smile without over-whitening.
** Our “brighten” function enhances your eyes to instantly light up your features.
Perfect Skin in Every Photo
** Retouch, edit and even tan your skin to achieve perfect, glowing perfection in just a few swipes! Your skin will look naturally radiant in all of your selfies and photos! For an added bonus, swipe on a cool blush or rouge to give your cheeks an extra glow.
Slim, Reshape and Lengthen Your Selfie or Photo
** Instantly slim, lengthen or reshape any area of your photo with a few swipes of your finger.
Artistic Retouching Features
** In addition its HD editing features, the AirBrush editor also includes tools that let you blur, crop, stretch, slim and tune your pics for an artistic, beautiful and dramatic touch. Choose to automatically retouch your pictures or fix them manually.
Add Depth and Style to Your Photos
** Our “Blur” editing tool lets you retouch any photos to give it more depth and keep only the things that matter in focus. Your photos and pics will embody the cool perfection seen in professional photography.
Real-Time Editing Technology
** Edit your selfie before taking the picture with real-time editing tools. See your shot on your phone, choose your edits and filters, then snap the photo for a perfect pics every time!
Natural, Radiant Filters
** AirBrush beauty filters were professionally designed to enhance even the best pictures and selfie photos for a perfect, beautiful finishing touch. Some filters can add natural-looking makeup to your pics, like blush or mascara!
Ready to Share?
** This is the editing tool that really gets your picture ready for sharing. When you’re done editing, share your pics to popular social sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat right from AirBrush!
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What is new in version 5.6.2
New homepage alert! This design refresh makes it even easier for you to access your favorite tools, as well as get inspiration for new edits!
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