Ge Force NOW Cloud Gaming
NVIDIA GeForce NOW™ transforms your device into a powerful PC gaming rig with Zain.
Gamers can play PC titles they already own or purchase new games from popular digital stores like Steam, Epic Games Store, Ubisoft Connect, and EA. Access 1500+ games, with more released every GFN Thursday. The catalog also features many of the world’s most-played games, including 100+ free-to-play titles, like Fortnite, Apex Legends, Destiny 2 and more. Play with and against millions of other PC players, and never wait for downloads, installs, patches or updates.
Downloading the app will not give you access to the service. Streaming with GeForce NOW requires a membership. Give PC gaming a try with our free membership. Or join one of our premium memberships for an enhanced experience including faster frame rates, RTX ON, priority access to our gaming servers and extended session lengths. To learn more about membership options, and to sign-up for GeForce NOW with Zain, visit our page here: link Link is Here
The GeForce NOW app works with Android phones, tablets and TV devices supporting OpenGL ES 2.0 with at least 1GB of memory and Android 5.0 (L) or later. GeForce NOW works with most Chromebooks with 4GB of RAM or more. For an optimal experience, we recommend 5GHz WiFi or Ethernet connection with at least 15Mbps. You can find a full list of system requirements and supported gamepads here: link Link is Here
كيف يمكن تحميل Ge Force NOW Cloud Gaming
يمكنك تنزيل Ge Force NOW Cloud Gaming عبر هذي الروابط :
android تحميل APK الأصلية
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What is new in version يتباين بحسب الجهاز
يمكن لمالكي Chromebook تنزيل تطبيق GeForce NOW مباشرةً من متجر Google Play.
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