Countryballs: Tower Defense
إضافة جديدة الى سلسلة الكونتريبولز! ضع الكونتريبولز لتدمير الصواريخ!
Countryballs-Tower Defense is a fresh addition to the Countryballs franchise, which features different countryballs with different abilities to fight rockets and save the world!
You can Play in our exclusive 'Tactical' mode where you can select a team of 10 Countryballs from a selection of 36.
You can Also play in the Tower Defense classic 'Casual' mode where you can use all 36 Countryballs.
We also have a 'Sandbox' mode where you can play around with tower placements and other strategies.
The game features 15 maps with more to come in the near future. The maps have varying levels of difficulty.
Skins are also available in the game for most Countryballs.
More content will come to the game in the future.
The game offers settings to reduce graphical qualities for low-end devices as well as volume control.
You can Customize the main menu UI colors any way you like through our 'Customize' window. A total of 120 combinations can be made through it.
The game is free to play along with in app purchases and Ads. You can opt-in watch Rewarded Video Ads to earn coins in the game, which can be used to speed up your progression and buy skins. You will need an internet connection to do so.
كيف يمكن تحميل Countryballs: Tower Defense
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