Mubeat for kpop Lovers‏

Mubeat for kpop Lovers‏

4.1 / 5   people 477,000
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5.0 والأحدث
مناسب لأعمار 12 عامًا وما فوق

The ultimate platform for kpop fans

Mubeat is a platform just for KPOP fans all over the world to fan out to their favorite idols.

*Watching [Stream HD Videos of Your Artist]
-Videos from the past to the latest videos of your bias! Binge-watch music shows, variety shows, MVs, Mubeat original content clips in HD!

*Voting [Gift a 1st Place Spot to Your Artist]
-Fans all over the world can now participate in voting for not only the 1st place winner of Korean music show programs like Show! Music Core etc, but also vote on various contents in Mubeat Voting and vote to win the benefit of THE SHOW TV spot ad!

*Supporting [Celebrate Artist's Anniversary]
-Celebrate your artist's anniversary with other fans with Mubeat Fandom Ads through subway ads, rewarded video fandom ads, and more!

*Talking [Interact with Global KPOP Fans]
-Share artist's info and how you fan out to your favorite artist in the Community and interact with global fans!

[Main Functions]

كيف يمكن تحميل Mubeat for kpop Lovers‏

يمكنك تنزيل Mubeat for kpop Lovers‏ عبر هذي الروابط :

android تحميل APK الأصلية adb تحميل APK مهكرة Mod update الإصدارات السابقة

What is new in version 02.08.04

Star Beat Playground Update
- The roulette spinning process has been improved so users can enjoy the Playground more.