Legendary Warrior
المحارب الأسطوري - حروب شرسة ووريورز الخالدة
Legendary Warrior – The fierce wars of immortal Warriors. Legendary Warrior – This story happens in Chaos Kingdom Legend – land of chaos and dark. It was under the command of Ares tyrant - a warmonger and bloodshed addict. The whole land was engulfed in the horrified dark and legendary wars.
Legend about an immortal warrior in fierce battle with the monsters of the dark era of humanity begins! The fierce battle is only done by Legend of the hero, the best and the bravest will become immortal Legend.
Hector – A legendary, strong and courageous warrior rose up and destroyed this kingdom of blackest dye.
The fighting journey of Legendary Warrior has started and it will open a Legend of an immortal Warrior.
With Legendary Wars, the player will be played Legendary Hero – Hector and take part in the fierce battle and legendary wars fighting to the end and destroying the wicked demons commended by Ares tyrant to rescue the loved one and the whole Legend kingdom, become a Legend.
- The players control the Hero and decimate monsters in maps to earn money to upgrade weapons, skills and level up.
- Legendary Hero can move, jump and use the skill to kill monsters by your weapons.
- There are many skills and weapons for your Legend – Hero of these wars using
- Legendary Warrior contains 30 maps. You can play the Boss map after passing 5 normal monster maps.
- You can buy power up item to increase the power for your Warrior, be a Legend!
- Increase the power of Legendary Hero through maps
Applications should be granted the following permissions:
+ WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: used for taking screenshot and share it with friends;
+ GET_ACCOUNTS: used for logging and using the leaderboard;
+ READ_PHONE_STATE: used for checking the status of your device's internet connection.
Legend of heroes have returned, join the battle and become a legend!
Let’s download Legendary Wars, be immortal Hero and fight for the safety of Legendary Kingdom.
Hope you enjoy the game!
Contact with us: link Link is Here
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What is new in version يتباين بحسب الجهاز
Legendary Warrior link Link is Here
+ bugs fixed
+ support more devices
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