Pop Star!
The Most Interesting Clearing Game No.1 Time Killing Puzzle Game
PopStar!– A must-have mobile causal game!
PopStar! – The most fun puzzle game in the world!
PopStar! – The best “time killer” causal game!
【Thoughtful design – excellence experience】 Popstar always keeps the top station of casual game, and which has over 4 million fans. As well as, the stars that have been popped could almost cross the galaxy many round. The graphic of the game is fresh and the method is very easy to handle. To be specific, the player only need to pop the similar colors which next to each other and then get the point. Meanwhile, there are no level limits, so the game must be the first choice for casual game.
【Creative method: Matching + Puzzle】In this mode,players could find so much fun from it, what they need to do is just fulfill different sharps of star in one Horizontal or vertical line. Once you click the download bottom, you could experience those two types of game play and got dozens happiness.
【Cute star】Our new Qstars is live now! For this function, we add more level challenges and interesting elements to it. You can tap one star or more stars with same color to clear them. After clearing, the Qstars will be moved up automatically. When they move to the top, game will be over. Single star can also be cleared now for this new version!
【Puzzle mode】The puzzle mode has many cute elements. If you want to pass the level you need to clear all the stars in it. Although the stars are placed very lovely, you also should pay attention on it.
【Link star 】Link star has abundant level mode. You need to connect the same color stars to “clear”it in the limited steps. If you want to get the full star you need to pay more concentration.
【Contact Information】
< PopStar! > official website: link Link is Here
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What is new in version 5.1.1
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