Dancebit: رقص اللياقه للسيدات
تمرينات ٧ دقائق رقصة تمارين
Time to start a dance workout for your perfect body. With Dancebit you shake your body to the groove, have fun, and lose weight at home, all at the same time. This 28-day dance fitness challenge gets you moving and grooving as you slim down and tone up—what better way to work on your fitness than dancing?
Twist, turn, and rock—a dance workout is a great way to get fit no matter your style! Forget busy gyms. Just enjoy fun dance exercises all the time and lose weight.
- Just 28 days to lose weight and train your muscles. Stay on top of your routine at every turn.
- Dance workout challenges boost your motivation. With just 28-day goals, you are more likely to keep on track.
- Routines take between 7 to 12 minutes, so you don't need to spend hours working out and get bored.
- Packed with lots of dance classes to learn at home, including Latina, Aerobics, Hip-Hop, Kiat Jud Dai, House, and more!
- Dance exercises for all body parts - belly, butts, legs. Target your problem area!
- From newbie to dancing pro—there's a level for you, no matter how skilled you are, to start with, keep that dancing energy going at your pace.
- Progress tracking to motivate yourself, learn new dance fitness levels, and get that dream body!
So, what are you waiting for?! Step up your dance workout and get going with Dancebit!
كيف يمكن تحميل Dancebit: رقص اللياقه للسيدات
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update الإصدارات السابقة
What is new in version 1.16.0
New Dancebit update landed!
- UX/UI improvements.
- Performance improvements and minor bug fixes
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