Fury Roads Survivor
لعبة آركايد للتسابق مستوحاة من أفلام الثمانينات. اختر بين الجون والموت!
THERE'S NO ESCAPE. Take the chance to FIGHT for your life in this charged-up ENDLESS arcade, free-roaming racing game.
Select your POST-APOCALYPTIC modified vehicle and drive it through the deserted ruins of the wasted world, while trying to defend yourself from the motorized oil-cultist SCAVENGERS hunting to seize your FUEL... and your flesh! Only a madman can do it! Are you mad enough?
- Survive the longest you can against SPIKED BUGGIES, ARMORED FLAME-THROWERS, TANK-CARS, WAR RIGS and much more!
- Use high lines, ramps and hills to challenge your enemies with evasive acrobatic jumps
- Master dozens of vehicles to enjoy a completely different driving experience
- NEW 3D TOUCH feature to better control the steering
- Unlock loads of offensive and defensive gear to enhance your vehicle
- Find your perfect vehicle+gear balance
- Challenge yourself by smashing enemies without the support of your gear (Fury Roads Survivor "Smashy Mode" included!)
- Explore a gorgeous isometric 3D “voxel” world!
Please leave a review on the Google Play Store if you like the game!
We use all feedback to keep our games engaging and innovative.
Thank you for playing!
كيف يمكن تحميل Fury Roads Survivor
يمكنك تنزيل Fury Roads Survivor عبر هذي الروابط :
android تحميل APK الأصلية
adb تحميل APK مهكرة Mod
update الإصدارات السابقة
What is new in version 2.2.0
Are you ready to drive… DUSK2DAWN?
- Face the darkness in a brand new map: Dusk2Dawn! Follow the arrow to checkpoints for extra health and oil. Watch your back though, a new type of enemy waits for you in this shadowy wasteland…
- 3…2…1… WASTED! Cornered by enemies? A timer now tells you when you’re seconds away from game over!
- Oil abounds! Follow the trail of barrels to find the oil truck and collect more oil than ever before!
- Graphic, sound, and performance upgrades all around.
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