My Unicorn: Fun Games
Unicorn & Pony Games for Teens
Come and play with your unicorn, Kimi! Grow up together!
- Amazing gift - hatch a surprise egg and take care of the super cute newborn unicorn with a ton of CUTE and FUNNY EXPRESSIONS.
- DRESS UP & DECORATION are involved in this game! So that you can change the clothing, dress, wallpaper, window, wardrobe and so much more!
- FEED & BATH your unicorn. Your Kimi is really hungry, prepare to feed Kimi with apple, lollipop, milk and even strawberry cake. Pay attention to the reaction when you feed different foods.
- Take a BUBBLE BATH with toys to make Kimi clean!
- Your unique unicorn needs to SLEEP & GO TO THE BATHROOM. Play the lullaby before the unicorn falls asleep. Pick up the cutest toy for Kimi to hold. And Kimi will dream about the favorite toy. Teach Kimi to go to the bathroom in the right moves, especially washing hands.
- You need to be a really good caregiver! Are you ready to take care of Kimi?
How to play:
- Use interactive controls to play the game.
- Use patience and love to make Kimi feel happy and comfortable.
- You can unlock plenty of different dresses, toys, and stuff as Kimi grows older.
كيف يمكن تحميل My Unicorn: Fun Games
يمكنك تنزيل My Unicorn: Fun Games عبر هذي الروابط :
android تحميل APK الأصلية
adb تحميل APK مهكرة Mod
update الإصدارات السابقة
What is new in version 2.6
Hi there,
We updated the app to fix some bugs.
Thanks for your feedbacks and reviews. If you have any idea or comment, please give us a review :)
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