حاسبة جيوجبرا للرسوم البيانية
Graph 3D functions, plot surfaces and do 3D geometry with our free 3D Grapher
Easily solve 3D math problems, graph 3D functions and surfaces, create geometric constructions in 3D, save and share your results. With Augmented Reality enabled, you can place math objects on any surface and walk around them! Millions of people around the world use GeoGebra to learn mathematics and science. Join us: Dynamic Mathematics for everyone!
• Plot f(x,y) functions and parametric surfaces
• Create solids, spheres, planes and many more 3D objects
• Get intersection points and cross-sections
• Experience sliders, points, graphs and geometry all working together
• Search for free learning activities directly from our app
• Save and share your results with friends and teachers
We’d love to hear from you: send us your questions or feedback via Twitter @geogebra or to support@ link Link is Here
كيف يمكن تحميل حاسبة جيوجبرا للرسوم البيانية
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update الإصدارات السابقة
What is new in version 5.0.635.0
• New feature: AR ratio. The ratio between the real world and the GeoGebra coordinate system can be displayed
• Bug fixes and lots of improvements under the hood
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