Clear Wave - منظف السماعات
Speaker Cleaner | Water Eject | Volume Booster | ازالة الماء من سماعة الهاتف
The Clear Wave app removes water from both speakers on your Phone by playing ultra low, high frequency sound.
We developed an algorithm consisting of different sounds and vibrations which help eject water and dust smartly.
Decibel Meter - calculates the noise level near the phone. This can help you buy a quieter washing machine or avoid noisy rooms to avoid hurting your ears.
Volume Booster - improve the sound of the speakers after cleaning them from water.
Voice recorder - when you measure noise with a decibel meter, you are also recording the voice around you.
Boost Sound - if you run the db meter on two phones at the same time and on one of them the decibel and hertz readings will be less, this may mean that the microphone above is clogged.
Supported Devices:
… any speakers you may connect to your Phone
Clear Wave helps you test any speaker and if it’s quiet make a loud speaker.
After you fix speakers with our water removal pro tool you will see 2x-3x volume boost.
Clean dust, coffee, juice, tea or any other liquid.
The app does not remove water from your phone!
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