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Download Packet Capture

Capture packets without root. Decrypts SSL using man-in-the-middle technique.

Packet capture/Network traffic sniffer app with SSL decryption.
Not that feature rich yet, but it's a powerful debugging tool especially when developing an app.

If you can't capture your app's SSL packets

Do one of the followings:

- Set targetSDKversion to 23 or lower

- Setup security config described as 'The default configuration for apps targeting Android 6.0 (API level 23) and lower' at

- Capture network packets and record them.
- SSL decryption using man-in-the-middle technique.
- No root required.
- Easy to use.
- Show packet in either hex or text.

You don't need to setup a dedicated proxy server on your PC. All you need is just your Android device.

How to get rid of PIN number

If you want to get rid of entering PIN number on a lock screen after Packet Capture is uninstalled, it is needed to clear credential storage.
Go to OS Setting->Security->Clear credentials

What is new in version 1.7.2

Minor bug fix.

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1 visibility android Android 5.0 and up
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