GFXBench 5.0 is a free, cross-platform and cross-API 3D graphics benchmark.
GFXBench is a free, cross-platform and cross-API 3D graphics benchmark that measures graphics performance, long-term performance stability, render quality and power consumption with a single, easy-to-use application.
GFXBench 5.0 enables measuring mobile and desktop performance with advanced graphics effects and increased workloads across multiple rendering APIs.
• Cross API benchmark using Vulkan and OpenGL
Aztec Ruins: our first benchmark to test devices with game-like content using available for both Vulkan and OpenGL ES 3.2.
• Aztec Ruins render features
- Dynamic global illumination
- Compute shader based HDR tone mapping, bloom and motion blur
- Sub-pass based deferred rendering: Geometry and lighting passes take advantage of local memory caches.
- Dynamic lighting and real-time shadows
- Real time SSAO for depth-of-field effect
• Automatically detects your device's capabilities and selects the most appropriate test set for your device to provide accurate information. Therefore, the list of available tests may vary between devices.
• Car Chase for OpenGL ES 3.1 plus Android Extension Pack testing
• Manhattan 3.0 for OpenGL ES 3.0 and Manhattan 3.1 for OpenGL ES 3.1 testing
• Battery and Stability test: Measures the device’s battery life and performance stability by logging frames-per-second (FPS) and expected battery running while running sustained game-like animations
• Render quality test: Measures the visual fidelity provided by the device in the high-end gaming-like scene
• Multi-lingual, easy-to-use user interface: device comparison within the application by downloading the complete GFXBench database, extensive system information
• On-screen and off-screen test run modes
• Includes all previous low-level tests for devices with only ES2.0 capability.
Test list (varied by Vulkan and OpenGL ES capabilities):
• Aztec Ruins
• Car Chase
• Manhattan 3.1
• Manhattan
• T-Rex
• Tessellation
• ALU 2
• Texturing
• Driver Overhead 2
• Render Quality
• Battery and Stability
• Alpha Blending
• Driver Overhead
• Fill
Please note: The full fledged benchmark needs at least 900 MB free space on the device (required for the high-level test scenes).
Used permissions:
These are used by the data downloading and updating processes. We try to constrain our downloads to Wifi networks.
These are used to store and read downloaded data on the external storage if its more adequate.
We strive to display the most detailed hardware information possible without any network communication. These flags are used for this purpose.
You can compare your benchmark results with all the other uploaded results at our website:
If you need any help, please contact us via email at!
What is new in version 5.0.5
Add 4K Aztec Ruins Off-screen test
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