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Download Opsu!(Beatmap player for Andro

Play beatmaps from Osu! on your phone

Opsu is an open-source version of osu! written in java and it is now on the play store. You can download beatmaps from anywhere you want and play them on your phone, and even post your scores on leaderboards to compete with friends!

Opsu is published under the GNU GPL v3 licsence
The code for Opsu can be found here:
Opsu's fork for android is here:
Code for this app:
Credits for everyone who contributed their artwork to this app are here:

What is new in version 0.16.0b

Fixed some beatmap servers that were not working
Added some more server options to download beatmaps
Added automatic bug reporting!
Reduced app size
64 bit support
Performance Improvements

opsu (beatmap player for android Share Music

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