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Download 紫微算命-紫微斗數生辰八字算運勢 紫微占星 星盤占卜

Ziwei fortune-telling master integrates the numerology of Chinese zodiac and Fengshui to help you grasp the fortune of the fleeting years! Want to have high wealth, get a promotion and raise your salary, and have a smooth emotion? The most professional traditional fortune-telling application Ziwei Doushu fortune-telling master will provide you with numerology guidance one by one!

[Revelation of application content]
The past year's fortune is approved in detail, and the fortunes such as the ups and downs of wealth, emotional marriage, promotion and job hopping are analyzed, and the opportunities for next year are predicted.
Marriage emotional analysis, understand your marital life, find out suitable marriage partners, and understand the chances of your partner cheating.
Wealth analysis, predict your wealth, wealth, dominance and use of money, as well as the ability and opportunity to make money.
Pay attention to health analysis, understand your own health status, physical weakness, and do a good job of disease prevention early.
Career development analysis, find out whether you are suitable for starting a business, interact with your boss and other information, and provide suitable career positioning.

[Lingji joins hands with the Ziwei fortune-telling master team to create a correct fortune-telling application]
The teachers of the fortune-telling team have used their decades of experience in real-life fortune-telling, integrating Taoist ideas, and the concepts of heaven, earth, yin and yang and the five elements to study numerology, and create a Ziwei Doushu arrangement method that is different from the sages and improve the accuracy of fortunetelling. , To help people correctly understand their own destiny, get the recognition of people from many countries, help many people who do not understand numerology, are not clear about their own fortune changes, and do not understand what needs to be done at each stage of life, which often leads to hard work but no corresponding return People, master their own numerology information, plan a better life.

[We are here for you! 】
[Facebook] Daily fresh numerology consultation will provide you with insight into your fortune and help you go smoothly! : Https://
[Email] Your valuable suggestions and comments are welcome to inform us, and we will do everything possible to improve! :

What is new in version 1.3.5


紫微算命-紫微斗數生辰八字算運勢 紫微占星 Tools

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