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accessibility Everyone 10+ update 2023-03-24 14:31:38

Download SVT Nyheter

SVT News is the easy way to keep updated with news from SVT.

SVT News has got a whole new scrap - faster, clearer and in the dark. With news from Sweden's largest news editor, the app makes it easy to stay updated. The app gives you a clear overview and a quicker look at what is happening where you live, in Sweden and the world. Here you will find the entire SVT news coverage with reviews, in-depths and analyzes, both as videos and in text form. All of course without advertising.

With push notifications on, you always keep track of major and important events, as well as your local news.

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What is new in version 3.6.4362

Lite smått och gott, buggfixar och mindre förbättringar!

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