Notifyer Unread Count

Notifyer Unread Count

3.0 / 5   people 91,400
Developer By
open_in_new Tom Pratt
6.0 and up
This content for Everyone

Get iPhone style badges for Android notifications

Now you can receive all your app notifications right on the app icons themselves, just like the iPhone. Perfect for apps like Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter and any other apps receiving important notifications. New messages, missed calls, friendship requests and more are all displayed.

Notifyer works by using 1x1 homescreen widgets to replace regular app icons. Using widgets means they can update in real time showing your latest notifications.

To move Notifyer widgets to the dock at the bottom of the screen you must be using a launcher which allows widgets to be placed in the dock (e.g. Nova Launcher)

How can download Notifyer Unread Count

You Can Download Notifyer Unread Count from this links :

android Download APK Direct adb Download APK Mod update Versions valiables

What is new in version 3.237

Fix cropped corners on Android 12 and above.