GPS Camera Photo With Location
Add location details to photos taken with GPS Camera.
App features :
Live Camera with GPS details :
The app's camera will show you following live details:
- Location on map,
- Address of the location,
- Time & Date,
- Latitude & Longitude &
- Weather details & Temperature.
Using this camera, you can take direct photos with these details on the photo. These details will be added to the photo at the bottom portion.
Add Location details to Photo from Gallery :
Just like the live GPS camera, you can add location details to any photo from gallery.
Customize location details display :
You can customize location display layouts to include or exclude from following details :
- Maps, Address, weather, latitude & longitude & time.
You can customize the text color too of each item.
You can customize the opacity of the location display banner with the photo.
How can download GPS Camera Photo With Location
You Can Download GPS Camera Photo With Location from this links :
android Download APK Direct
adb Download APK Mod
update Versions valiables
What is new in version 1.30
- Solved image sharing issue.
- Solved Camera & Map Issue.
- New improved version.
- Better performance.
- Removed bugs & crashes.
- Better User Interface.
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