Deck Advisor for CR
Provides recommendation of high win rate decks, based on your current trophy!
Deck Advisor (fan app for Clash Royale) is a helper tool that provides recommendation of high win rate battle deck based on your current trophy count, your card collection and card's level in Clash Royale.
We have seen a lot of players who getting stuck in different Arenas. Seriously, it's going to be a long way to create a really balanced deck and reach the top Arena. So, we created this tool hoping you can make it better. Let us help you in some ways that we experienced and learnt from other experienced players out there in Clash Royale Universe.
We believe that every good deck has it's best use trophy/Arena range and no one deck can be perfect from Arena 1 to Arena 9. By input your current trophy count, Deck Advisor will recommend you with some decks that are good for your current trophy level. You can also add "Card Filter" to show only the decks containing a specific card. If you have setup the "Card Inventory" by filling out your card collection in Clash Royale, the recommended deck calculation will be based on all the cards that you have and it's level in Clash Royale.
Deck Advisor contains around 85 decks from different Arenas. We can't says that it is a lot, but all the decks have been tested and each recommended deck will comes with "Performance Analysis" and "Tips & Strategies".
The Recommended Deck Report will contains following details:
1) Best use Arena Range
2) Card Categorization
3) Offense Chart
4) Defense Chart
5) Performance Statistics
6) Main Attacking Combos
7) Deck Weaknesses
8) Tips & Strategies
- Card Filter (to show only the decks containing a specific card)
- Card Inventory (Filling out card collection in Clash Royale)
- Enable counter deck calculation based on the cards that you have and it's level in Clash Royale
- Export Recommended Deck Report in PNG format
- Share Recommended Deck Report to any media/messengers
- Deck Library for storing favourite decks
- Save Deck to Deck Library
- Load Deck from Deck Library
- Share Deck
- Option: Display App shortcut icon on status bar
BigFans Studio makes apps for life. We are big fans of Clash Royale and we only create useful helper apps for the games that we love. We hope you love them as much as we love making them. If you have any comments, suggestions or questions, please feel free to contact us at link Link is Here . Thank you!!
This app acted as a guidance app for the game Clash Royale by Supercell. This is unofficial and not associated by Supercell. All Chests images, background, popup are belong to Supercell. For more information, see Supercell's Fan Content Policy link Link is Here
How can download Deck Advisor for CR
You Can Download Deck Advisor for CR from this links :
android Download APK Direct
adb Download APK Mod
update Versions valiables
What is new in version 1.4.0
Ver 1.4.0
★ Added new cards: Electro Wizard, Dart Goblin & Executioner
★ Added new filters: Electro Wizard & Executioner
★ Added new decks: 16 new decks
Ver 1.3.0
★ Added new Arena: Jungle Arena
Ver 1.2.0 & 1.2.1
★ Added new card: Clone
★ Added new filter: Clone
★ Added new decks
★ Fixed bugs
Ver 1.1.0
★ Added new cards: Tornado & Elite Barbarians
★ Added new filters: Graveyard & Tornado
★ Added new decks: 28 new decks
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