Easily travel or get nearest taxi/ride in Ethiopia anywhere anytime using FERES
FERES is #1 ride-hailing App in Ethiopia. With the Feres app, you'll get the most convenient booking service for private cars and taxis from the largest community of drivers that you can easily travel everywhere in Ethiopia. You can call our dispatch call center at 6090 to get nearest taxi/ride.
FERES is the First company introduced loyalty program called FERES MILES where you can get cash back/discount as on every trip as FERES MILES from every Birr you spent.
• Earn cash back/discount as FERES MILES on every trip
• You can change/transfer/cash out/donate your FERES MILES
• Get a comfortable, low cost ride.
• Get the nearest car or taxi at an affordable fare
• Ride or travel with friends; book a car that comfortably fits up to six or Book a minivan or minibus whenever, wherever you need it.
• Fast arrival times 24/7
• See the price before you order your ride
• Book easily from FERES App or call us 6090
• Easily travel anywhere any time in Ethiopia
• We are committed to making every trip with FERES as safe as possible
• Request a trip on demand or schedule one ahead of time.
Follow us on social media for updates, discounts and offers!
Facebook — link Link is Here
Instagram — link Link is Here
Twitter — link Link is Here
Telegram — https://t.me/feresapps/
Tiktok — link Link is Here
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How can download Feres
You Can Download Feres from this links :
android Download APK Direct
adb Download APK Mod
update Versions valiables
What is new in version 1.0.49
We update Feres app as often as possible to make it more reliable for you. There are includes several bug fixes and performance improvements in this version.
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