Photo Resizer: resize image
Resize your photos & images to reduce file size.
You can quickly resize a photo with a few taps.
- Resize photo resolution
- Reduce photo file size
- Attach to e-mail with one click
You can resize your photos by selecting a resolution. All you have to do is select one from the list of common resolutions. You can also change the resolution by specifying a percentage.
You can reduce the jpeg file size with best quality. Jpeg quality can also be finely adjusted in the settings.
Supported image formats are JPG, PNG, and WEBP. HEIF format pictures can be resized, but HEIF format will be converted to JPG format after saving.
This App supports Exif metadata. So it is possible to copy Exif data from the original image.
You can attach downsized photos to your e-mail with one-click. You can also share photos to SNS with one-click.
How can download Photo Resizer: resize image
You Can Download Photo Resizer: resize image from this links :
android Download APK Direct
adb Download APK Mod
update Versions valiables
What is new in version 1.2.0.RC2
Added photo cropping feature.
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
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