Hallo - Learn Languages
Speak English & Spanish
Practice speaking English or Spanish with a native speaker in 3 seconds! Become fluent and dream big on the language learning app with the most-speaking time in the world.
Designed by language experts and loved by millions of learners around the world, Hallo provides you with a scientifically proven method to improve your speaking and listening skills by practicing anytime, anywhere.
Press a button and get matched with a native speaker (all languages) or speaking partner (English) instantly. Improve your communication skills with real people to build your confidence and become a fluent speaker!
Our teachers are qualified native speakers with experience in countries relevant to the language they teach. Take private lessons with them on a regular basis in order to get constructive feedback and enjoy a customized experience.
Whether you are studying your language for travel, school, career, or passion, you’ll love learning on Hallo. From beginner to advanced, you can find the right topics: business, exams, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, accent, and more!
Hallo is home to millions of language learners. You’ll meet other students and teachers from around the world whom you can speak with and get friendly support from. Invite your friends and get amazing rewards!
Try a subscription plan to learn and practice with native speakers! Take private lessons with qualified teachers, access curriculums, review recorded lessons, and practice with other students with no ads. Please note that some of these features are still pending for certain languages.
At Hallo, we believe that the most effective way to learn a language is by speaking, practicing, and interacting with real people. By focusing on human interaction, you can overcome the fear of speaking, advance in your career opportunities, and become fluent while learning how to communicate with others.
Become fluent and dream big with Hallo!
We are proud to build this platform with the constructive feedback of our Halloers. Send an email to support@ link Link is Here and share your ideas with the Hallo team!
If you are interested in Hallo supporting other languages, please fill out this short form to let us know: link Link is Here
Use Hallo on the Web at: link Link is Here
Terms of Service: link Link is Here
How can download Hallo - Learn Languages
You Can Download Hallo - Learn Languages from this links :
android Download APK Direct
adb Download APK Mod
update Versions valiables
What is new in version 3.1.0
- Spanish release
- Subscription pausing
- InstaLesson calling
- Bug fixes
- UX/UI improvements
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