1Weather Forecasts & Radar
Daily forecasts & alerts, Maps, Temps, Precipitation, AQI, UV index & Humidity
Hyperlocal weather forecasts to make your life easier. #1 Weather app, trusted by 50 Million+ Android Users. Ranked as the best app during the 2021 Atlantic Hurricane Season.
✓ 24x7 local & national weather info
✓ Down-to-the-minute & long-range local forecasts
✓ NWS & WDT alerts based on custom locations
✓ Radar maps to track hazardous weather conditions
✓ AQI info to check air quality levels across all locations
✓ Hourly, Daily, Weekly weather forecasting
✓ Sun & Moon tracker to find sunrise, sunset & phases of the moon
Accurate Forecast
Widgets to personalize location with details like temperature, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, cloud coverage, humidity, UV index, visibility, dew point and atmospheric pressure. Detailed forecast of rain and snow with minute-by-minute and hourly updates. Accurately predicts the possibility of ice storms, hail, snowfall, rain, thunderstorm, freezing rain and drizzle. Temperatures can be viewed as centigrade or fahrenheit. Let us be your personal forecaster and plan your days for camping, hiking, trekking, etc. with our weekly or 10 Day forecast.
25+ Radar Maps
Track severe meteorological conditions like hurricanes, tornados, cyclones, typhoons, blizzards, and storms with our live doppler radar detector. Get the exact precipitation fore cast which covers hail, sleet, snow or heavy rain. We use surveillance radar to update the severity of snowstorms, winter storm patterns, flash floods, and heatwaves. Our satellite maps, heat maps, and lightning maps will keep you notified wherever you are. We are constantly monitoring the radar to ensure precise local forecast s for Northeastern, Southeastern, Northwestern, Southwestern, North Central & South Central United States.
Health Center
Up-to-date air quality index with detailed information about the pollution level & pollen count for those pesky seasonal allergies. Enjoy the outdoors like never before with data about wind chill, moisture, humidity, air quality, and the environment.
Weather News
Receive quick updates on today’s weather and weather for tomorrow in 60 words & one-minute videos. We’ll send you interesting shorts, facts, insights & videos on topics relevant to you, including interactive whether videos from Praedictix. These include seasonal tips that are useful and important for a better quality of life.
Customizable Alerts
Receive the latest alerts and warnings issued for your city by the National Weather Service (NOAA), Dark Sky & WDT. Immediate notification of real-time wearher changes to keep you & your loved ones safe.
Download the best app for accurate weather updates wherever you go!
For any queries, feel free to reach us at oneweather@ link Link is Here .
How can download 1Weather Forecasts & Radar
You Can Download 1Weather Forecasts & Radar from this links :
android Download APK Direct
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update Versions valiables
What is new in version
Our latest release changes the way you experience content on the app.
• The ongoing notification & widget auto-update issues have been resolved
• Temperature not updating issue has been resolved
• Improved Radar experience
• You can experience 1W in light theme as well now
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