HTML Viewer
View source code of website with the free HTML Source Code Viewer/Reader
View the source code of any website or webpage using the free HTML Viewer app
If you want to view the source code of any website on your phone, here’s an app to let you view the html code of any webpage easily. With the HTML Viewer app, you can view the html source code in the in-app file browser. The app is extremely easy to use and you can load the file from your file manager. Using the HTML viewer app, you can not only view the source code of the website but also browse the website to check the web view.
If you’re learning HTML or just want to look into the source of any website without using your laptop or computer, you can do it easily using this amazing HTML viewer app. The app also allows you to share (import) website addresses or files from other apps and share (export) the html code to another app. You can also search or find text in the html code of the website.
App Features
Here’s a summary of the app features of “HTML Viewer” app -
How can download HTML Viewer
You Can Download HTML Viewer from this links :
android Download APK Direct
adb Download APK Mod
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