Maps Distance Calculator
Measure any distance on map.
Map Distance Calculator application allows you to measure distances on a map by two ways. Firstly user can place pins on map and measure distance between consecutive pins. Secondly user can measure continuous path among points by pen tool. To do this user must click on map to place the pen first then long pressing on pen will activate the continuous drawing.
- Rich user experience
- 3D maps
- Measure discrete paths by pinpointing on map
- Measure continuous paths with pen tool
- Lets measure perimeter
- Lets measure circumference
- Lets user adjust map view angle
- Shows distances to specific locations
- Lets user choose meters, kilometers, miles or feets
- Normal, satellite, terrain, hybrid map modes
- Stores measurements.
How can download Maps Distance Calculator
You Can Download Maps Distance Calculator from this links :
android Download APK Direct
adb Download APK Mod
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