Smart Dictionary (English-AR)
Multilingual Dictionary (Dictionary in Arabic, English Dictionary)
Multilingual Dictionary, (Dictionary in Arabic, English Dictionary), where mainly focuses on solutions to problems translator
Comprehensive designed to be the companion of the great need to return to the dictionary without blocking or slowing the progress of work. This program works in most systems android
Mzaah program:
Its database that contains over 150 thousand words
The possibility of setting the floor in the Favorites
Conversation sentences for some of the words can be displayed directly
Examples of some words can be displayed directly
Synonyms for words
Immediate Dictionary of words synonymous, you only need to print the word you are looking for is synonymous with her, and immediately its meaning in the center of the screen shows
Dictionary facilitates the search for the meanings of words, both from Arabic to English or vice versa, a very light and works without the need for Internet
How can download Smart Dictionary (English-AR)
You Can Download Smart Dictionary (English-AR) from this links :
android Download APK Direct
adb Download APK Mod
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Support "Android 12"
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