Cool Wallpapers : Coolify
Cool Wallpaper provides you Phone Backgrounds without internet.
Are you looking for a cool wallpaper app or cool backgrounds, nature images, or nature and beautiful wallpaper? so you are in the right place :)
You're cool and your phone (or tablet) should reflect that! cool Wallpapers features a lot of handpicked awesome wallpapers and hd pictures perfect for making your device look even cooler!
Cool wallpaper is an android app for phones and tablets which contains nature and cool pictures and best wallpapers, cool backgrounds allows you to set any pic as a wallpaper or save/share the pics with your friends through WhatsApp, Facebook, telegram, twitter .... easily
Cool Backgrounds (HD Cool wallpapers) is a free app that has a large collection of HD beautiful, nature, beautiful wallpapers and cool backgrounds.
HD Cool wallpapers have a large variety of HD cute Backgrounds updated every month! Download Cool Backgrounds (HD
Cool wallpapers) to stylize your device's home/lock screen and make it unique.
Coolify features :
► Clean design
► HD wallpapers for android doesn't need internet connexion to work well, (note the internet permission is needed only for sharing the background)
► Share the background with friends on Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram and Snapchat and Others...
► Save beautiful wallpaper easily
► Set the best wallpapers as home/lock screen background with simple click
► Full screen: hd wallpaper shows the cool backgrounds in full-screen mode
► Thousands of Free HD cool background, nature, nice Wallpapers for android with amazing visual effect to customize your phone
► Simple, fast and light
► Save battery and resources
► and more.....
Cool wallpaper has some ads, And we want you to know the dear user that developing android apps takes a lot of time and efforts and we provided our apps for free, so the only way we used to get some money is putting ads in our apps.
Permissions in the HD backgrounds app
✭ SET_WALLPAPER : allows Coolify to set images as wallpaper
✭ WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : allows Coolify to save pics to your SD Card
✭ INTERNET, ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE : for sharing Coolify wallpapers
Coolify App Supports a wide variety of Android devices: Samsung Galaxy S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, Note, Note3, Note4, Google Pixel, Motorola, Sony, Huawei, LG, Lenovo, Xiaomi, Oppo, HTC... and others.
Some Cool backgrounds used in this application are copyright to their respective owners and usage falls within the "Fair Usage" guidelines.
Download Awesome Wallpapers & beautiful Backgrounds NOW to give your home and lock screen a lovely makeover and express yourself with some unique super cool, awesome and nature wallpaper and themes!
-------------- Contact Us --------------
------------> Helperdevs@ link Link is Here
How can download Cool Wallpapers : Coolify
You Can Download Cool Wallpapers : Coolify from this links :
android Download APK Direct
adb Download APK Mod
update Versions valiables
What is new in version 2.3
- Minor Bugs fixed
- HD Cool Wallpaper,Beautiful , Cute Backgrounds & Lock Screen :Coolify!
- Share Cool Wallpapers easily with your friends through Whatsapp, Messenger, Instagram, Tumblr ....
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