Heyy - make friends & chat
Swipe to make friends & chat. Find friends near you & around the world!
Heyy is the best place to make new friends from all over the world. Discover new cultures, grow your snapchat community, increase your snapchat streaks, fill your snap map and much more. It’s as easy as swiping right and starting up a conversation with your new friend! Start making unlimited new friends.
Super easy… How to make new friends?
Swipe right and left through a bunch of new peoples! Does that person have the same quote on bio as you do?! SWIPE RIGHT! Instant snap friends. She likes the music genre that's not your kind?! SWIPE LEFT! You can start a conversation with them directly on snapchat. It's so much easy to make new friends.
Wait..there's more..You’ll see tons of new faces, read about them in their bios, and decide who you really want to be Heyy friends or snap friends with! Start swiping to meet your new potential bff!
Swiping right is too boring? We gotcha, make a first move by sending a breakthrough message and wait for the magic. Ice breaking message can be anything that describes the featured photo or bio of that person.
When you swipe right or someone swipe you! Heyy makes it super easy to add new friends directly on snapchat. With the click of a button, you become instantly connected.
Adding a new snapchat friend is very simple, just press “add on snap” when you get a new request & you will be redirected to the snapchat profile on the app.
It's super easy to start a conversation with your new friends right here on Heyy. You have the option to add them on Snapchat as well, but why not chat a bit first? Get to know your new friends. Find out what you have in common! Who knows, someone you start messaging on Heyy could become your new potential best friend.
You can customize the search preference by age, gender and country. On Heyy, you can meet new friends within your country or all around the world.
We'll notify when you get a new snap friends request, someone accept your snap friends request or someone send you a new chat messages.
Whether it’s a daily check-in or sharing Heyy app with your existing friends, there are tons of ways to get more gems on Heyy. You can use gems to send new snapchat request to make new friend. If you keep earning gems, unlimited friends is truly what you’ll find on Heyy.
To earn more gems on Heyy, you can:
• Invite your snapchat friends on Heyy (the reward is almost 2X!)
• Check-in Heyy app everyday
• Watch a video
Tbh, Heyy is for friendships only and always will be.
Whisper to yourself & say heyy to new friends. Nothing to lose, go find your next potential best friend! Just say, itsme your new friend & we're the perfect litmatch.
Safety disclaimer
Heyy is made to be used for making new friends from all over the world to discover, add and chat with them on heyy or snapchat. This type of communication with new friends doesn’t always happen on our platform, we urge our users to be mindful when considering the personal information with new friends on snapchat. Additionally, We do not promote any adult contents. Account selling, or requesting adult content will be disabled forever due to violating our community guidelines. Please report anything you see that isn’t appropriate!
Have feedback on heyy? LMK what you like & don't like by sending us an email.
Heyy is free to download and use. Additionally, users can choose to subscribe to Heyy+ or purchase different gem or boost packs. Try Heyy+ today for unlimited swiping, a free boost, ad-free and more awesome features!
Have fun ;)
How can download Heyy - make friends & chat
You Can Download Heyy - make friends & chat from this links :
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update Versions valiables
What is new in version 0.3.7
Thank you for using heyy! This update includes bug fixes and performance improvements.
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