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Smart and personal cloud storage with NAVER MYBOX

Ample storage space and smart organizational functionality, experience NAVER MYBOX

1. The best in the country, offering a vast 30 GB storage for free.
2. Back up and save your photos by auto-uploading to MYBOX
3. Effectively organize your space in MYBOX with photo sorting and duplicate cleaning functions.
4. Share the vast storage space of MYBOX with the whole family, by purchasing an expansion of up to 10TB .
5. MYBOX will suggest animations so you can travel back to the special moments in your photos.
6. Sort your precious photos by using the location tag and album functions.
7. Use the Date/Place/Theme smart search function to browse photos.
8. You can easily share files and folders stored in MYBOX via other apps such as KakaoTalk and BAND.
* Some features, including shared storage, are only available to paid users.

[Details on the rights required to access the app]

○ Camera: Take a picture or video and save it to MYBOX right away.
○ Contacts: Invite people from Contacts when sharing a folder.
○ Phone: To check the device ID for functions to confirm the device that is logged in and change the login status for a more secure NAVER service.
○ Location: Check the location of the device on a map.

Used only on devices with OS version 13.0 or lower
○ Files and Media: Download files stored in MYBOX to the device or upload files stored on the device.

Used only on devices with OS version 13.0 or higher
○ Notifications: Receive notifications such as file transfer results, shared folder invitations, and new comments.
○ Photos and Videos: Download files stored in MYBOX or upload files stored on the device.
○ Music and Audio: Download audio files stored in MYBOX or upload audio files stored on the device.

If you have questions or issues while using the app,
Contact NAVER MYBOX’s customer center ( link Link is Here to get them resolved.

Developer’s phone number:

How can download NAVER MYBOX

You Can Download NAVER MYBOX from this links :

android Download APK Direct adb Download APK Mod update Versions valiables

What is new in version Varies with device

[ link Link is Here
- Android 12 부터 백그라운드에서 자동 올리기를 사용하기 위해 배터리 변경 권한이 필요합니다. 자동 올리기를 사용하신다면, 앱 업데이트 후 반드시 권한을 허용해 주세요.
- 폴더를 링크로 공유할 때 편집 권한을 설정할 수 있고, 링크로 공유 받은 폴더도 공유 탭에서 확인할 수 있습니다.
- 원하는 사진, 동영상만 선택하여 슬라이드 쇼로 감상할 수 있고, 여러 개의 동영상을 이어서 감상할 수 있습니다.
- 방금 확인한 스토리와 비슷한 스토리를 추천해 드립니다. 잊고 있었던 추억들을 발견해 보세요.
- 포인트를 모아 MYBOX 이용권으로 교환할 수 있는 MY 포인트 박스가 오픈했습니다