Instant Board - Shortcut Keybo
Typing same thing instantly
Hate typing the same thing over and over, one key at a time? Personalize and pre-program your keyboard with Instant Board – your personal custom keyboard for phrases and responses.
1. Create your own custom keys with predefined phrases.
2. Export/Import Keys between devices instantly.
3. Backup/Restore Keys.
Advanced Features:
1. Edit Keys directly in your backup file.
2. Clipboard and date as dynamic variable, so you can config them in any format.
How can download Instant Board - Shortcut Keybo
You Can Download Instant Board - Shortcut Keybo from this links :
android Download APK Direct
adb Download APK Mod
update Versions valiables
What is new in version 0.7.1
1. Bug fixes and performance improvements.
2. Add 2 new variables "Relative Date", "Cursor Position".
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