Glimpse Notifications
Turn on screen upon incoming notifications.
Tired of having to press the power button to see new notifications?
Ex-iPhone user and cannot believe your Android doesn't offer such a basic function?
Your new phone doesn't have LED notification anymore?
Want to pull your phone out of your bag or pocket and immediately have it enabled?
Like to get repeated reminders for pending notifications?
Then this app is for you!
• Keeps using the secure system lock screen
• Control how long the lock screen is shown
• Choose which apps whose notifications should turn on the screen
• Quiet Times to prevent the screen from turning on at a bad time
• Supports System Do Not Disturb (DnD) modes
• Extensive pocket mode to prevent the screen from turning on in your pocket
• Double-tap to lock on the lock screen (only < Oreo)
• Recurring notifications
• Motion detection notices when you picket up the phone to check a new notification
• App is as energy efficient as possible
• This is a private pet project - so it's free! No data is being collected!
XDA: link Link is Here
Lifehacker: link Link is Here
Caschys Blog (German): link Link is Here
Website: link Link is Here
XDA Development Thread: link Link is Here
Depending on your configuration, this app may need the Device Administrator permission.
To implement several (optional) features, Glimpse Notifications may need to turn off the screen. By default no special permissions are needed for this. To improve security or for a better user experience you may give the app device administrator or accessibility service permissions.
Android devices are quite diverse and not all functions work equally well everywhere. The FAQ (English) contains a lot of hints how to configure this app for devices by Sasmung, Huawei, Xiaomi, OnePlus, ...
Glimpse Notifications only shows the lock screen, it doesn't render the notifications. To see notifications from, for instance, your texting app, your need to open system settings and allow the texting app to show notifications on the lock screen.
To avoid conflicts, it is recommended to disable Edge lighting or at least remove Glimpse Notifications from Edge lighting.
• BIND_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SERVICE: Core permission to have the app being informed about new notifications.
• WAKE_LOCK: needed to turn on the screen
• BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN: to close and lock the screen
• BIND_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE: can be given to close the screen with perfect user experience (only Android 9+)
• READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: to determine the duration of custom notification sounds.
• SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW: implement double-tap to lock (only until Android 7)
• VIBRATE: recurring notifications can be indicated using a vibration pattern
Nullgrad Apps cannot be held responsible for damages happening by using this app. This includes, but is not limited to, notifications being missed or misinterpreted due some function of Glimpse Notifications.
How can download Glimpse Notifications
You Can Download Glimpse Notifications from this links :
android Download APK Direct
adb Download APK Mod
update Versions valiables
What is new in version 5.0.15
· update dependencies
· adhere policy for Accessibility API
· improve compatibility with Samsung OneUI 5
· improve compatibility with new Android versions
· improve compatibility with always-on displays
· bug fixes and performance improvements
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