Word Bit Inglés

Word Bit Inglés

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6.0 and up
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You learn every time you open your phone. The most unconscious way of learning

❓❔ Why do you constantly lose the opportunity to study English? ❓❗
There is a way to increase your English proficiency using the time I didn't know you had!
What is the method? It is just using the lock screen. How does this work?
The moment you check your cell phone, your focus is on the screen. You are free from what you just did and are ready to receive new information.
Right now, WordBit uses your attention for a short period to study English.

How can download Word Bit Inglés

You Can Download Word Bit Inglés from this links :

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What is new in version

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● Se han añadido nuevos contenidos de entrega
- El Proverbio esencial de Hoy: Los proverbios que necesitas saber se entregan con explicaciones.
- La palabra de Amor de Hoy: Aprende una palabra de amor que calienta tu corazón una vez al día.
● Si no deseas el servicio modifica desde [Entrega > Configuración de Entrega] a APAGADO. Pero es realmente útil para aprender, ¡así que pruébalo!