Explore our comprehensive library of Jewish texts with English translations
Sefaria delivers texts, translations, and commentaries of ancient and modern Jewish texts directly to your smartphone. Explore our online Torah, Midrash, Tanakh, Tehillim, and so much more.
We are taking the People of the Book into the digital age, and with just 500 MB you can download the entire library to access all texts offline.
Our interface is simple and user-friendly: delve deep into the texts with the swipe of a finger. Get information on specific topics, such as Passover - the next holiday on our calendar, Daf Yomi, search using keywords, or browse the table of contents to explore texts, translations, and commentaries, and explore the connections between works in the library.
Whether you're looking to get a deeper look at the Hebrew Bible, learn about Shabbat and Halacha, do your Mishnah homework, recite the Bedtime Shema with your children, read Tehillim, or say Birkat Hamazon after your meal, you've come to the right app.
We offer an ever-growing list of translations for key texts, making these textual treasures available to communities around the world. We currently offer works in English, French, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Finnish, Portuguese, Persian, Polish, Russian, and Yiddish.
Get full access to:
* Calendars for Parashat HaShavua (weekly Shabbat Torah reading), Daf Yomi (daily Oral Torah learning), 929 (daily Tanakh), Rambam Yomi (daily Rambam teaching), and Mishnah Yomi (daily Mishnah)
* Torah commentaries in English including Rashi, Or HaChaim, Rashbam, and many more
* Over 50 commentaries on Tanakh - Ibn Ezra, Ramban, Haamek Davar Gur Aryeh, and more
* Over 15 Mishnah commentaries including Bartenura, Ikar Tosafot Yom Tov, Rambam, and more
* Over 30 Talmud Bavli commentaries including Rashi, Tosafot, Rashba, and more
* Siddur including daily davening and Birkat Hamazon
* As well as Midrash, Halacha, Kabbalah, Tanya, Haggadah, Zohar, Chasidut, Musar, Pirkei Avot, Tehillim, and more, with new texts added to the library all the time.
Our mission as a non-profit organization is to allow more people access to engage with the textual treasures of our tradition. As we move our texts from print to digital we are creating not merely an archive but a platform to give these texts new life.
Our free, living library of Jewish texts is allowing us to build the future of Jewish learning in an open and participatory way.
Download our app or learn more at link Link is Here
How can download Sefaria
You Can Download Sefaria from this links :
android Download APK Direct
adb Download APK Mod
update Versions valiables
What is new in version 6.0.4
Bugfix: Fix for Table of Contents when only a single text is in a category
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