Yandex.Disk Beta

Yandex.Disk Beta

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8.0 and up
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Save your photos and files to the cloud. View your recent changes as a feed

Yandex Disk is a modern and reliable cloud storage service

- Files stored in the cloud are accessible from any device — phone, tablet, or computer
- Easy to share photos and files with friends and family
- Unlimited number of photos and videos from your phone stored in their original quality
- New photos and videos automatically uploaded to Yandex Disk
- A universal photo gallery with the files uploaded to the cloud and those stored on your smartphone
- Smart search helps you quickly find photos from last year's vacation, a picture of your beloved dog, or a passport scan

How can download Yandex.Disk Beta

You Can Download Yandex.Disk Beta from this links :

android Download APK Direct adb Download APK Mod update Versions valiables

What is new in version 5.54.0

Released another update to make link Link is Here a little easier to use. Improvements are subtle, but important.