Books and Audiobooks
Thousands of e-books and audiobooks!
English e-books and audiobooks: app contains over 12000 audiobooks and books for free. Listen and read books at the same time which help you with learning English!
Thousands of audio books including text book from Librivox and Gutenberg.
You can find your favourite classics books here. You can find the most popular books and the new.
Top features:
1. Listen to audible book and read ebook at the same time.
2. Discover classic and popular audiobooks ebooks.
3. Continue reading at any moment.
4. Super simple interface.
Audiobook can be streamed over the internet any time anywhere.
Every audiobook is on public domain witch means that you can listen to it without spending any money.
Discover new and the best books of all the time such as Sherlock Holmes, Pride and Prejudice, Dracula, War of Worlds, Romeo and Juliet etc. You can find books and audio books by categories such as romance, sc-fi, poem and more.
How can download Books and Audiobooks
You Can Download Books and Audiobooks from this links :
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