Madani Qaidah Pro
The Complete Mukharij Learning App Lessons Videos with Quiz
Madani Qaidah Pro is professional app which have more then 10 Languages support Urdu Hindi English Gujrati Bengali French Russian Spanish Turkish Chinese. and you can learn 23 lessons with Quiz Game and video lectures also. Dark and light theme support Touchable letters to listen back Change font styles and font size as you want. Remember rules with MDP codes.
And you can apply for online classes more then 30+ online courses join any course as you want.
The Madani Qaida Pro Is The Best App In The World, And The Anyone Can Learn Easy Makhrijj Pronounced Of Every Latter By Listening Audio Voice By Touching Any Latter And Easy For Kids To Learn Correct Makhraj And Quran Rules Of Tajveed This Is Must in Every Home
Madani Qaida Pro is best learning for kids
Its also quiz qaida pro learnings with quiz game
Madani Qaidah is the most famous for tajveed learn
Our Qaidah pro is best features for learner to use easy
Presented by Zahra University Online
Everyone should read Urdu Qaida as it is necessary in order to learn the proper recitation of the Holy Quran. The first phase of learning Quran recitation is Madani Qaidah which has already been introduced by the Zahra University Online along with Tajweed rules and Makharij. It has several features as including video lessons, audio lessons, important notes and question answers Quiz Game Online courses and so on. However, it works without an internet connection. By having this amazing application, you can learn Quran in two different languages as it is bilingual. Read the Holy book with the help of haroof e tahaji and make your Quran pronunciation better.
Salient Features of the App
Arabic Articulations
From where the sound of a letter develops is called Makhraj. To learn Tajweed means to pronounce each letter of the Quran according to its Makhraj. It is the most ideal approach to become familiar with the Arabic language.
Video Lessons
There are numbers of recorded video lessons to enhance your understanding of the Holy Quran with proper and accurate pronunciation.
23 Chapters
This application contains 23 lessons and it teaches you like a teacher and guides you properly.
Important Notes
In this section, you will know about the consequences of the wrong recitation of the Quran and you will also learn the correct pronunciation.
Bilingual Languages
By having this amazing application, you can learn Quran in three different languages as it is bilingual application and definitely this amazing feature will help you a lot.
Word by Word
In order to improve Quran recitation, users need to click on the difficult word and will know its pronunciation.
Questions and Answers
By having this section, users can increase their knowledge by reading questions and answers related to Tajweed rules and Makhari.
Quiz Game
You can learn complete rules of tajveed with quiz game for kids easy to learn tajveed
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كيف يمكن تحميل Madani Qaidah Pro
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android تحميل APK الأصلية
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What is new in version 13.11.95
Fix error in Video Playing
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