العاب تلوين انمي - رسم انمي
لعبه تلوين بالأرقام تشعرني بالاسترخاء، لعبه الالوان استطيع التوقف عن اللعب .
العاب تلوين بالأرقام بدون نت تشعرني بالاسترخاء، لعبه الالوان استطيع التوقف عن اللعب .
Nowadays young people are under great pressure in study and work, and have been in a sub-healthy state under pressure and depression for a long time.
Hey,do you really want to keep going like this? Don't you want to reduce stress and relax your mind and body?
Here is a magical "Painting Book" of number coloring game, which can help you effectively fight stress, relieve emotions, and find happy color time again!
【Easy to use】There is a gameplay tutorial when you enter first time for color paint. Color by number‘s different parts of the coloring page will be marked with different numbers, and each number represents a color. Select color and paint by number. Zoom in and out of the color picture with two fingers, and color the area of the same number by long press and drag. Come and enjoy the fun of digital pixel coloring with this simple drawing apps!
【Massive themes】Color by number include florals, animals,princess, Chinese style characters, ACG, cute cartoons, gourmet food, landscape etc themes.
【One tap to share】Color by number can share your amazing drawing photos with your family and friends!
【Stress reliever】Concentrate on completing the painting game, eliminate stress and relieve emotions.
When you feel anxious, open this entertainment app Painting Book and paint by number, then turn each wireframe pattern into a colorful artwork. Create quietly with happy color, and enjoy the happy color time!
كيف يمكن تحميل العاب تلوين انمي - رسم انمي
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